Евгений Викторович Думанов

PhD in physics and mathematics, научный сотрудник    /    страна не указана


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Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking and Coherence in Two-Dimensional Electron–Hole and Exciton Systems

S. A. Moskalenko, M. A. Liberman, E. V. Dumanov, and E. S. Moskalenko
The spontaneous breaking of the continuous symmetries of the two-dimensional (2D) electron–hole systems in a strong perpendicular magnetic field leads to the formation of new ground states and determines the energy spectra of the collective elementary excitations appearing over these ground...
J. Nanoelectron. Optoelectron. 2012, Vol. 7, No. 7

Когерентность двумерных электронно-дырочных систем: спонтанное нарушение непрерывных симметрий

С.А. Москаленко, М.А. Либерман, Е.С. Москаленко, Е.В. Думанов, И.В. Подлесный
Спонтанное нарушение непрерывных симметрий двумерной электронно-дырочной системы в сильном пер-пендикулярном плоскости магнитном поле приводит к образованию...
Физика твердого тела, 2013, том 55, вып. 8

Collective states of two-dimensional electron–hole system under the influence of Rashba spin–orbit coupling

E. V. Dumanov and L. E. Gherciu
This study is concerned with a two-dimensional (2D) electron– hole (e–h) system in a strong perpendicular magnetic field with special attention devoted to the Rashba spin–orbit coupling (RSOC). The influence of this interaction on the chemical potential of the Bose–Einstein condensed...
Phys. Status Solidi B 250, No. 7, 1432–1438 (2013)
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Профессиональный опыт

Научные и исследовательские проекты

Influence of excited Landau level on elementary excitations electrons and holes of arrange lowest Landau level

The individual project for young scientist, U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation (CRDF), the Moldovan Research and Development Association (MRDA) and the Academy of Sciences of Moldova (2008) Abstract: This study is concerned with collective properties of a two-dimensional electron-hole system in a strong perpendicular magnetic field with special attention devoted to the influence...